Connect the
grids to
form the
perimeter of the cage.
Some brands are harder to snap into the connectors than others. You may also want a pair of pliers or a rubber mallet to help complete some connections.
Grids and Connectors needed:
2 x 3 grid cage (10 grids/20 connectors)
2 x 4 grid cage (12 grids/24 connectors)
2 x 5 grid cage (14 grids/28 connectors)
2 x 6 grid cage (16 grids/32 connectors)
Measure the
length and
width of the
inside of the enclosure See the see yellow lines in the photo. Remember to allow space for the connectors (measure from the inner edge of the connectors). The box will sit inside them.
With 14" grids, the measurements should be:
41" x 27" for a 2 x 3 grid cage
56" x 27" for a 2 x 4 grid cage
71" x 27" for a 2 x 5 grid cage
84" x 27" for a 2 x 6 grid cage
Add 12 inches to the length and width for cutting dimension Add 12 inches to the length and width for a
6 inch wall all the way round. This gives you the outer dimensions to cut (photo is just to give you a perspective). If the cage is going against a wall, you may want to make the back wall 12 inches high to help prevent hay spillage. In that case, you'll add a total of 18 inches to the original measurement from above, for one 12" side.
So,using the above measurements, you should get:
53" x 39" for a 2 x 3 grid cage
68" x 39" for a 2 x 4 grid cage
83" x 39" for a 2 x 5 grid cage
96" x 39" for a 2 x 6 grid cage
(96" is a full sheet length-8 feet)
Measure and
Mark and
Cut the
Coroplast Measure and mark the Coroplast (using a tape measure, yardstick and pen).

Cut it to the outer dimensions with the scissors or box cutter. A pair of heavy duty scissors or a box cutter is easier than regular scissors, but you can still use regular scissors.
Cut lines depend on how big of a sheet you are starting with (partial sheet shown).
Measure and
Mark and
Measure and mark 6" in from all sides (the inner dimensions).Score the Coroplast along these lines using a razor blade or box cutter.
Be careful not to cut all the way through. Practice on a scrap piece first.

Scoring with the grain takes less pressure than scoring against it.
Cut the
Cut all the way through the Coroplast at each corner, just 6" in, to create the flap to make the corner.
Snap the edges
Snap the edges away from the score line to form a box.

Tape the flaps
Secure the flaps with clear packing tape. A couple of wide strips on the outside work great.

Place box inside the grids!
Place the box inside the connected grids and you're all done - easy!
Cable ties to secure connections or if you run out of connectors.
Organizational shelving for a
cat-proof top.
Table or desktop space to put the cage on! We recommend a folding work table for 2 x 4 grid cages and up (5' x 30" table top needed for a 2 x 4 grid cage). They are available at many office supply stores for around $30 - $35.
Pliers or "RoboGrip" pliers to squeeze together stubborn grid connections.
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